A Message From Cesar E. Barrera


Capital Investments Produce High-Quality Water Supply

This is an exciting year for Santa Ana’s Water Resources Division as we focus on water quality, implementing major water and sewer systems upgrades, and adding a high-tech conservation tool for residents. 

The work we do ensures the continued delivery of safe, dependable water to homes and businesses every day! 

In this Water Quality Report, you will find the results of thousands of water quality tests conducted throughout 2022. I am proud to say that Santa Ana’s water meets or exceeds all state and federal health standards, in addition to winning multiple international awards for its great taste. 

The City of Santa Ana is fortunate to have rights to groundwater pumped from the Orange County Groundwater Basin. This year, approximately 75% of the City’s water supply came from the basin, which saves customers money by minimizing the use of more expensive imported water. 

Our award-winning water is delivered via a network of 20 wells, pipes, pumps, and reservoirs. This past year we invested in our Infrastructure Renewal Program which includes new pipelines, pumping facilities, and well rehabilitation for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) treatment head-works projects. We will continue to invest in the water system to enhance reliability and resiliency. 

We are also beginning full-scale implementation of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) program late this summer. The new, smart water meters provide customers with tools to aid conservation, such as access to near real-time water use data and alerts for unexpected usage. The system eliminates the need for regular manual meter readings and provides customers with earlier awareness of their consumption patterns. The City expects to convert all water meters in the City to smart meters by the end of 2025. 


Santa Ana’s Water Resources Division is committed to delivering high-quality, affordable, and reliable drinking water to our community. We will continue to work on your behalf to uphold that promise.




Cesar E. Barrera P.E.
Deputy Public Works Director/Water Resources Manager